Send DateTime from OIC to Oracle Fusion

Post ID : PI2302242

In this article, OraclePapa will bless you via demonstrating on how and in which format a datetime should be passed from Oracle Integration cloud to Oracle Fusion taking care of timezone differences.

Even though this article is enough in itself and self explanatory but for a visual and practical version, OraclePapa suggests you to go through our detailed video on this topic-Send DateTime from OIC to Oracle Fusion.

We at OraclePapa get a lot of messages that developers struggle in passing correct format of datetime from OIC to Oracle Fusion because of difference in Timezones of Fusion & OIC, for example passing correct Transaction_Date in an Oracle Fusion API.

Timezone cannot be changed for OIC. All the OIC instances/integrations use UTC timezone, but timezone can be changed for Oracle Fusion.

Basically language and time zone preferences are set when you logged in for the first time to the Oracle Fusion application. Timezone of Oracle Fusion application depends on the chosen country while setting up application for the first time.

For example if you had chosen country-INDIA then the timezone of Oracle Fusion will be India Standard Time (IST) which is basically GMT+5:30.

This means timezone of OIC and Oracle Fusion are different and a special care need to be done while passing dateTime to Oracle Fusion from OIC because whatever datetime will be send from OIC, it will get converted into IST timezone in Oracle Fusion considering Oracle Fusion’s timezone is IST.

Default dateTime Format into Oracle Integration Cloud : The default date format in Oracle Integration Cloud is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:sssZ where The T is just a literal to separate the date from the time, and the Z means “zero hour offset” also known as “Zulu time” (UTC).

Default dateTime Format into Oracle Fusion : The default date format in Oracle Fusion is YYYY-MM-DD.

Let’s have a deep dive in this situation and divide it into below two parts.
  • When a developer want to send date – It is less problematic and no special care needed, just pass directly date in Format of YYYY-MM-DD. If you don’t have date into this Format, you can change the available date/dateTime into this format using function available in OIC – xp20:format-dateTime as xp20:format-dateTime(dateTime,“[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]”)

  • When a developer want to send dateTime – A special care is needed in this case because this sent dateTime will get converted into IST (+5:30)at Fusion side. So for example, if you want to send a transactionDate as 2023-02-23 15:30 (3:30 PM of 2023-02-23) then you should send dateTime as 2023-02-23 10:00. At Fusion side, 5:30 hours will be added by itself to manage the timezone gap.

Tip : A lot of times we are supposed to send current dateTime from OIC to Oracle Fusion APIs. We have sorted out this taking care of timezone as well. You can use directly below available code:

concat (substring-before (string (fn:current-dateTime() ), "T" ), " ", substring-before (substring-after (string (fn:current-dateTime() ), "T" ), ":" ), ":", substring-before (substring-after (string (fn:current-dateTime() ), ":" ), ":" ) )

References & Suggested Read
  1. dateTime format in oracle integration cloud
  2. modifying language and timezone preferences in Oracle Fusion
  3. Set Timezone Per Integration
  4. Watch video version of this blog

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